Choose to Move Research Projects


We adapt CTM so that it can be implemented by different community organizations (delivery partners) in 16 rural and remote communities across BC. We also focus on the needs of low income older adults living in Vancouver. With delivery partners, we are monitoring changes to CTM that enable a “best fit” for different communities across BC.The team is guided by the Framework for Successful Implementation.

The project’s specific research objectives are to:

    1. Describe implementation strategies that support CTM at scale-out.

    2. Describe how CTM is adapted for scale-out.

    3. Assess the impact of CTM on older adults’ physical activity, mobility, social connectedness, and loneliness.

2. Choose to Move - Spread and Scale of Existing Community-Based Primary Healthcare and eHealth Innovations

We will adapt and develop a plan to equitably scale-up Choose to Move to meet the needs of older adults in receipt of home and community care services.

In this adaptation of Choose to Move, we focus more directly on equity, diversity, and inclusion as we seek to adapt our recruitment approach, our intervention, and implementation strategies to reach marginalized older adults, those in receipt of home and community care services.

By adapting Choose to Move to this new population and setting, we aim to equitably reach and serve the needs of this marginalized population.

    1. Adapt the CTM intervention and implementation strategies to ‘fit’ the home and community care services context.

    2. Adapt the implementation/scale-up action and evaluation plan for CTM in the home and community care context.

    3. Describe the adaptation process.


To harness substantial investment in Choose to Move, in this study, we assess three different ‘lower-cost’ approaches to determine if health benefits of CTM can be maintained among past participants. Community partners and older adults identified three elements essential to Choose to Move success: program flexibility, social interactions, and trusted relationships between participants and activity coaches, who deliver Choose to Move. We integrated the three essential elements into design of CTM-Next Steps and will assess three follow-up approaches.

The project’s specific research objectives are to:

  1. Assess if during follow-up older adults' mobility, social connectedness/loneliness, physical activity and sedentary time across 12 and 24 months are maintained
  2. Measure costs associated with each follow-up arm, program affordability and value to policy makers
  3. Identify factors that support or inhibit implementation of CTM-Next Steps
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