Breaking News:

Dr. Heather McKay (PA) with co-leads Dr. Joanie Sims Gould (UBC); Dr Dawn Mackey (SFU); Dr. Farinaz Havaei (UBC), and the Active Aging Research Team have been in receipt of $6.8M in funding from the Healthy Cities Implementation Science (HCIS) Team Grants.
Active Aging Research Team | January, 2023

Callista Ottoni partnered with the West End Seniors’ Network to learn about older adults’ experiences during the pandemic and beyond.
Active Aging Research Team | October, 2022
Samantha successfully defended her doctoral dissertation in March 2022, earning a result of no revisions. The Active Aging Research Team is very proud of her success.
Active Aging Research Team | June, 2022
Active Aging Research Team PhD student Callista Ottoni was one of nineteen UBC doctoral candidates who received a Killam Doctoral Scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Active Aging Research Team | June, 2021
The Prince George Citizen, a weekly newspaper serving the whole region, featured our Choose to Move program in advance of new program offerings this Spring. The article included the voices of local past participants, who shared their experiences and discussed the life-changing effects of the program. The article is available online here. Read Here:
Prince George Citizen | April 29, 2021
COVID-19 has changed staffing practices in Long-Term Care.
We urgently need to understand how these practices impact residents, their families, and staff.
News Releases | December 4, 2020
Our Choose to Move activity coach Omnia El Shayeb from Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House appears on CBC's 'Our Vancouver' to share about how Choose to move can support older adults to keep mobile and socially connected in the new year.
CBC 'Our Vancouver' | January 8, 2021
Seniors advocate sets out damage done and calls for sweeping changes to pandemic response. Dr. Joanie Sims-Gould shares her concerns.
The Tyee | November 3, 2020
As BC's COVID-19 cases begin to have exponential growth, Dr. Joanie Sims-Gould provides some tips on how older adults can stay connected with their faith communities without exposure to the virus.
The Tyee | November 2, 2020
Many seniors have spent the last six weeks in solitude due to coronavirus. UBC associate professor Dr. Joanie Sims-Gould is concerned about their mental health.
CBC Radio | May 1, 2020
It’s more important than ever for seniors to maintain an active lifestyle. UBC Professor Joanie Sims-Gould discusses the challenges facing seniors because of COVID-19 and has some tips on how older people can stay active at home.
Global News | April 1, 2020
By Rachel Barken and Joanie Sims-Gould
International Network for Critical Gerontology
June 21, 2019
Seniors have been identified as one of the groups most vulnerable to the virus. In response, special care has been taken to protect them from potential infection.
UBC Alumni Webinar | April 30, 2020
An innovative free program in B.C. hopes to help older adults get up, get out and get active.
Global News | January 2, 2020
A small successful health promotion trial goes province-wide.
VCH Research Insider | May 25, 2019
Living our Best Lives: 5 Tips to support an older loved one’s health and well being. Healthy Families British Columbia (HFBC) Blog post. May 31, 2018.
Dr. Joanie Sims-Gould Featured on CBC’s Go Public and BC Almanac. Centre for Hip Health and Mobility. Blog post. February 6, 2017.
Let’s Explore Active Aging. Government and Community discussion to support seniors who wish to age actively in Northern B.C. Prince George Citizen. September 30, 2016.
All the right moves: Physical activity across the lifespan. BC Alliance for Healthy Living Webinar. December 2018
Choose to Move: Implementation Science in Action. Born to Move webinar held by British Columbia Alliance for Healthy Living (BCAHL). December 4, 2018.
Importance of physical activity for older adults. BCIT Magazine. Shaw cable television, Vancouver. October 13, 2016.
Choose to Move; a novel program that promotes the health and mobility of older adults. CBC Radio “Early Edition”. March 31, 2017.
Five jumps a day – that’s the minimum for bone strength. RoundHouse Radio. March 30, 2017.
Five jumps a day – that’s the minimum for bone strength. CBC Radio. On the Coast interview. March 23, 2017.